Bringing Urban Ag High to Your School

You're a teacher or student and you have your eye on what looks to you like unused available land right next to your school...or maybe somewhere really close to your school. How do you go about getting permission to use it for your urban ag project?

We at SFE hear this issue come up a lot because there is a bit of confusion about who can grant permission and what the process for acquiring permission looks like. At the moment, we are looking at gathering all the info for a "one stop" shop for educators and students (which is an ongoing process!)

For urban ag projects on school land, the process is outlined in the following flow chart: Requesting Permission for Ag Projects on School Land. We've also developed 2 templates (in consultation with the school boards) that help you plan & submit your project for approval:

Outline Template for School Land Use

Detailed Proposal Template for School Land Use

We are also working to develop a similar flow chart for other types of land - like City of Edmonton land.  Your local area's Community Recreation Coordinator (City of Edmonton staff) can help you with this process. Don't know who your CRC is? Call 311.


Funding Support

Alberta Emerald Foundation Youth Environmental Grant Program: offers micro grants (max. $400) for schools, classrooms and youth groups to support environmental engagement activities.

Alberta Ecotrust Foundation Community Grant supports community based projects (max. $7,500) that typically focus on local opportunities for change through stewardship and action.

Evergreen School Ground Greening offers grants (max. $ 3,500) to schools to create outdoor classrooms and food gardens as healthy places for students to play, learn, and develop a respect of nature.

AB Health and Wellness, U of A AHSC Wellness Fund offers funding (max. $30,000) for projects that demonstrate readiness to move ahead with the development of healthy school communities.

Alberta Milk Nutrition Innovation Awards offers grants (max. $1,000) to schools to develop creative nutrition initiatives.

Shell Canada Fueling Change Program offers grants (btw $25,000-$100,000) for environmental projects.

Edmonton Community Foundation offers grants (max. $3,000) for youth led iniatitives and projects in the Edmonton area.

CIBC Donations & Sponsorship provides support to charitable organizations working on projects that provide tangible benefits to the community.

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation offers grants to promote environmental initiatives benefitting local communities.

ConocoPhillips Canada’s School Environmental Quest offers grants (max. $1,000) to schools to create environmental activities and programs and enhance existing ones.

BP’s A+ for Energy Program offers grants (max. $10,000) for teachers' energy projects that are innovative and creative.

Sunlight Green Grant offers grants (max. $1,000) for student led projects with a goal to protect the planet or inspire others to go green.

EcoLeague Action Project Planning Fund provides grants (max. $400) for students and teachers to engage their school and community in interactive and educational action projects.

Root for Trees Matching Fund provides a matching grant to communities across the City of Edmonton seeking to plant trees and shrubs in their neighbourhood.

Edmonton Community Foundation Youth Empowerment Program

Majesta Trees of Knowledge Competition - this contest offers a prize of$20,000 toward an outdoor classroom to the winning application (awarded annually).